AI Without
the Maybe
AI with Confidence
Infactory AI delivers accurate, consistent answers—without black-box uncertainty. Powered by our Unique Query Methodology™ (UQM), every response is deterministic: ask the same question, get the same answer. Unlike traditional AI, Infactory shows its work, making every calculation traceable and every insight verifiable using only your trusted data. AI without the maybe.
One Platform, Infinite Solutions
Talk to your data and let AI reveal hidden patterns in customer behavior, preferences, and engagement. Automatically segment audiences, predict churn, and uncover opportunities for deeper personalization. Optimize campaigns in real time with AI-driven insights so you can act, not react.
Ask questions in plain language and get instant answers about your Bill of Materials, inventory, and supply chain. Predict supply needs—without manual calculations. Infactory uses AI-driven insights to pre-fill forms, POs, etc.—streamlining operations with accurate, real-time data.
Financial Services
Get precise answers you can trust to complex, sensitive financial questions in seconds. Instantly analyze risk, portfolio performance, or transaction trends—without waiting on reports, dealing with pivot tables, or exposing MNPI. Gain real-time insights to make smarter, faster decisions.
Demand Planning
Forecast demand and manage inventory with ease—just ask. Our platform lets you query supply chain data in natural language, helping you anticipate shortages, optimize stock levels, and adjust procurement strategies in real time. No more guesswork, just data-driven decisions.